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2006 Corvette Production Statistics Released


Site Administrator
Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
<a href="/specs/c6/2006/2006prod.html"><img src="/images/design/front/stats.jpg" width="175" height="119" border="1" align="left" hspace="5" vspace="5" alt="2006 Corvette Production Statistics" /></a>We finally have the full, 2006 Corvette production numbers from the Bowling Green Corvette Assembly Plant, here at the Corvette Action Center. Numbers are broken down by option and color.

Since this is a commonly asked question, please remember that the Assembly Plant does not keep statistical production numbers on Corvettes built with a combination of options. In other words, it is impossible to determine how many 2006 Corvette coupes were built in Velocity Yellow, with a 6-speed manual transmission and XM Satellite Radio.
<a href="/specs/c6/2006/2006prod.html">2006 Corvette Production Statistics</a>
I thought the Corvette in 2006 had the (MX0) six-speed auto with paddle shifters, instead of the old four speed version?

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