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2014 Split Window Coupe

Mike Terry

Well-known member
Jan 2, 2007
Greenwood, Indiana
63 SWC and 67 Coupe F/S 54 Corvette NFS
I could see me trading in any one of my Corvettes, plus the wife and the 2 Yorkies for one of the C7 Vettes. Yeah me driving that with a 22 year old hotty next to me, WOW. I will only be 61. Oh I had better wakeup. I may not even be able to get in and out of one by then let a lone have a 22 yr old hotty riding with me. I am so :confused
I can sense a heart attack coming on soon when coupled with a 22 yr old hotty:D
Maybe so but what a way to go. A 22yr. old Hotty and a Corvette SWC that looks like that one. :W

I like the car a lot... just not the tail lights.

The tail lights of the Stingray concept looks kinda like the headlights of the Batmobile.
could see that in the garage next to my 1963 Z06!
I can't imagine what kind of mess would happen if you had to open the doors in the rain. Not that I would ever drive the car in the rain, but you can get caught. :w
As a concept, I like it a lot. I believe that there would have to be some changes made before being put into production. ;shrug 67vet 's observation being one of them.

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