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Video: 2019 Corvette ZR1 Hits The Drag Strip


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Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
Last week, StreetSpeed717, a famous YouTuber took delivery of his 2019 Corvette ZR1 from Whitmoyer Chevrolet. His dealership was able to pull some strings and get his Sebring Orange Metallic ZR1, built with a manual transmission; a little earlier than everyone elses. It didn’t take him long to pick the Corvette up from the dealership […]
The post 2019 Corvette ZR1 Hits The Drag Strip appeared first on VetteTube - Corvette Videos.

Quite the thing to take a brand new ZR1 out and flog it like that!! :D

Quite the thing to take a brand new ZR1 out and flog it like that!! :D


Consider the age group.... all about internet hits.

I guarantee you GM will not be impressed.
Obviously a spoiled rich kid.......:attentionwhore:

Obviously a spoiled rich kid.......:attentionwhore:


On the plus side, he did take it to a proper race track and didn't show racing on public street's........:)
That VIN probably has VOID stamped all over it at GM.
Wait till it requires some warrantee work...............
Andy :w

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