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News: 26-Year-Long Portland Car Theft Comes To An End In L.A.


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Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
26-Year-Long Portland Car Theft Comes To An End In L.A.

OPB | Sept. 18, 2014 2 p.m. | Portland


Portland, Oregon - Anyone out there missing a 1969 Corvette? It would have been stolen from your Portland home sometime in 1988.

What might be the world’s longest search for a stolen cars ended last month when U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents discovered five stolen cars in a shipping crate bound for the Netherlands.

The Los Angeles Times reports that the cars were discovered in a shipping crate during a routine customs check at the Port of Los Angeles.

Along side the Corvette were a 1967 Jaguar XK-E stolen some 46 years ago outside of the owner’s Manhattan apartment, a 1976 Mercedes 280 taken in 2002, a 2007 Mercedes E350 fraudulently leased in 2008 and a 2014 Camaro ZL1 with illegal paperwork.

Full Story: 26-Year-Long Portland Car Theft Comes To An End In L.A. » News » OPB


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Interesting, I wonder how many of these containers slip by each year?

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