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327/365hp carb question


Active member
Mar 8, 2004
Huntsville, AL.
1965 Nassau Blue Conv
I have a question concerning the orginal carbs for this motor. I thought I had what appeard to be the original carb. It is a 4150 and I do mean identical, except if I'm not mistaken ALL these carbs that come with this motor had automatic chokes. Mine is identical to that carb except mine has a manual choke. My question is, can I add an automatic choke to this carb and if so, what would I order? By looking it looks possible, but I'm not sure about the heat tube????? please help.
Please post the List number stamped into the front of the choke horn of your current carb. Based on that number, I may be able to answer your questions.

The assembly line Holley for your engine was a List #2818 4-barrel. It had a "hot air" type choke that worked off of heat through a tube from the passenger exhaust manifold. That particular choke housing is no longer available new from Holley. They do come up for sale on eBay occassionaly, however. The same choke housing was used on many Ford Holley carbs in the late fifties.
I'll write it down this evening and post it. I also would like to get the correct rebuild kit for this carb.
65stinger said:
I have a question concerning the orginal carbs for this motor. I thought I had what appeard to be the original carb. It is a 4150 and I do mean identical, except if I'm not mistaken ALL these carbs that come with this motor had automatic chokes. Mine is identical to that carb except mine has a manual choke. My question is, can I add an automatic choke to this carb and if so, what would I order? By looking it looks possible, but I'm not sure about the heat tube????? please help.
you may simply be misusing the terms "manual" nd "automatic" choke. your 2818 list Holley (I assume) should have a simple bi-metallic, non-electric choke. No electric wires going to it, etc., and certainly no dash-actuatued choke cable (what some folks envision when you say a "manual" choke).

all the little bits - the metal tube going into your carb, the choke stove tube runnig through the exh man, the flexible suplly air hose - are widely available - LIC has them, for example.

your 4160 2818 list holley should, if original, also have a three-digit date code stamped in the area where you see the 2818 (or 2818-1, depending on when it was built). year-month- week of month (Ex: 531 = a holley built in the 1st week of March, 1965 or 1975) correct for your engine assembly date. Four digit date codes for this Holley would indicate a service replacement, regardless of the date shown.
OK, here's what I got......It shows a "list 1850-1, and 0617 underneath it. Evidently it's not original for this car. Can someone tell me what I have cfm, etc......and also where I can find a rebuild kit for it.

The previous owner never had the manual choke hooked up.....What should I do here?????????????
If it's running fine, I would leave it alone. If it needs work, I'd sell it as a core and buy a new carburetor.

A List #1850 Holley is a no-frills 600 cfm, vacuum secondary model 4-barrel. In stock form it would be okay for your engine. You can find a new one listed on eBay every week for less than $200.

You can find good, but slightly used, performance Holleys for the same money. I would try to get one with a hot air automatic choke like the stock 327/365hp carb.
Ok, here's what I've learned. The 1850 is basically a 600cfm 4160, vacuum secondary, with a manual choke. I'm not sure of the distinct differences between this one and the 4150 that was stock for this motor other than the choke. The carb worked flawlessly when removed 9 years ago. I'm going to try a carb kit, but I would also like to add a heat tube activated choke. Would a choke off a 4150 work or is there something I'm still not seeing. I know it exist, because currently there is one availiable on ebay, a 1850-4160, with the heat tube choke. Please help me figure this out.....thanks.
Well 65stinger, I'm not sure you're listening to me at this point, but I'll try again with different words. Rebuilding and then trying to convert your manual choke #1850 Holley to a hot air choke is a financially bad idea.

The #1850 Holley on eBay sounds like a fifties Ford carburetor. The primary butterfly shaft on your service #1850-1 Holley is not the same length as the primary shaft on a Ford assembly line #1850 with a hot air choke. Hot air choke parts are no longer available new from Holley, and used hot air choke parts will not fit your particular #1850 carburetor. Holley does sell an electric choke kit that will fit your carburetor for about $40. A good quality rebuild kit will cost you about $25. You will be putting $65 into a used carburetor worth maybe $50 on a good day. In your shoes, I would bolt it up and see if it runs right as-is. If it does, I would then buy and install a $10 manual choke cable kit. If it leaks or doesn't run right, I would sell it. Then you could shop for a #2818 to rebuild or buy a new Holley 600 cfm carb with an electric choke for maybe $175 on eBay.

A #2818 Holley has a secondary metering block with jets. Your #1850 does not; it has a secondary metering plate with cast-in orifices.
Point well taken here........thanks for clearing the mud. I'll start searching for one.......BTW, want to buy a nice 1850 carb.......?

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