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'59 #0698 stolen - please help a vette owner


Well-known member
Jun 18, 2003
Northeastern MD
'59 Corvette #5366
If anyone can help, please notify either myself or Jessica directly. Thank you.


> --- Jessica Pedersen <jessicalpedersen@yahoo.com>
> wrote:
> > Dear Jim,
> > My uncle died in December of 2007, two short
> > months after he was diagnosed with cancer. While
> my
> > family was dealing with this tragic loss, on March
> > 21, 2008, his 1959 Corvette Convertible was stolen
> > from us. My uncle didn't have children and was
> > never married. This car was everything to him,
> and
> > he wanted it to stay in the family.
> >
> > I was doing a few searches on the internet and
> > found my uncle had this car registered with your
> web
> > site VIN J59S100698 Ronkonkoma, NY
> >
> > Is there anything you can do to help??
> >
> > Sincerely, Jessica Pedersen
> > 631 871 6323

Stolen from Where?
It was apparently stolen from the deceased owner's home- the person who contacted me in the above post is in NY. Please feel free to contact her for more information if you think you might be able to help. The car was red w/red interior.

1959 Corvette Stolen

I received the following email. Can anyone help?

My uncle found out he had cancer and died within two months, in December of '07. Everything happened so quickly and before we knew it, my family was dealing with this tragic loss. He left behind a 1959 red corvette convertible as a family heirloom. My uncle didn't have kids and he was never married. He saved his whole life to buy this car. On March 21, 2008, this car was stolen from our home garage in Ronkonkoma, NY. We have tried everything to get this car recovered, from airing interviews on local tv and radio stations to passing out 1,000 fliers and counting in the community.

Please help us get this car back. Can you post a blog about this car??

With kind thanks,


The VIN is: J59S100698

Jessica will be emailing photos of the car to me and I'll post them here as soon as I get them.
Honestly, even though it is red, I didn't take it. All kidding aside, this car should be easy to spot by Corvette owners and reputable dealers, and I hope the photos and additional information will aid in the recovery. Now that we know a 59 has been stolen, we can be on the lookout; it could end up anywhere. If professionals thieves got it, it may not be recoverable, but there is always hope.
Since there was an older thread without photos on the same subject I merged the two.

I can't help but think that this was someone very familiar with the car and knew that the owner had passed away. They thought that they could steal the car without anyone discovering it for some time. If they repaint the side cove and change the vin plate (2 pan head wood screws from the factory) with one that they have a title to this car could be any one of several thousand red with white cove '59s out there. We need to find out some other unique characteristic that only applies to this car to aid in the search.

It was apparently stolen from the deceased owner's home- the person who contacted me in the above post is in NY. Please feel free to contact her for more information if you think you might be able to help. The car was red w/red interior.


Is or was the car taken from Maryland or New York? I'll do a search and i'll be on the lookout for a red 59 corvette. Is the under repair, or is it in finished condition? I ask becaues the thives might be trying to sell it on ebay or some other auction, also I would check with EACH State that you can contact to see if anyone has tried to secure a legal title for this car. If they are planning on selling it I would contact all auto auction compaines and give them the required info so they can look as well. However, if it was taken by professionals, their going to change the VIN plate under the glovebox and try to establish a legal path with which to sell it. I would contact any and all sellers of a 59 red covette and see if anything jumps out at you. ie: they have had the car only a few months, their selling the car for their brother/sister or any other semi-suspicious story about WHy their are selling the car. It's worth quite a bit and I'm sure they will want to sell it overseas. I'm trying to help you with my advice, I had a corvette stolen a few years ago and I only got it back becaues a cop got suspicious of a guy driving around a block four or five times where a corvette was parked, and once he turned on the flashing overhead lights, this guy took a shot at the cop. They chased him down to a gerage and inside they found a ton of corvette parts a three corvettes. I was lucky. Keep searching, don't give up. It's going to take the thives a little while to get papers for the car. Good luck!

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