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59 Temp gauge problem

They sell a resistor, but I would wounder how accurate it is through the whole heat range. :confused
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temperature sender resistor - variable

This is a resistor that can be installed in line in your temp wire. It can be set to your engine temperature for gauge accuracy.

This is designed for the temperature gauges that, the gauge reads high. Part#301290PkgEACHInstructionsPrice29.95Qty Add to Cart Click Picture(s) for Larger Version
Today I removed and replaced the original voltage regulator with a new one. The bad news is that I still have the same problem.
Later today I was told of a possible fix. I wonder if anyone else has heard that a resistor in line with the blue wire to the water temp sensor might fix the problem -- E = I X R.
Isn't if fun to try and track down the cause to a problem.

Placing a resistor in line with the temp sensor wire will add more resistance thus lowering the gauge reading. I placed a 100 ohm variable resistor in line with my gauge so that I could fine tune it to read correctly at 190 deg, which is the operating temperature of my thermostat. Once you dial in the correct resistance you can measure the resistance of the variable resistor and get an appropriately sized resistor to place in line. Since the resistance of the original system is not linear, placing a resistor in line will only make the gauge accurate at one particular temperature and not over the entire range of the gauge. I have a bag full of these variable resistors if you want to try one.

Is your generator still overcharging? I don't think placing a resistor in line will affect your overcharging problem.

Update on my temp gauge problem. :w
I have attached pictures of my battery switch. As you can see there is a bunch of corrosion on it as well as my Delco Tar Top battery. The cells had water above all the plates. I took the battery to a friend who has a multi function battery tester. It said I have a bad cell.
I assume this meant the electrical system was pushing more to make up for the bad cell.
I thought taking the battery out of a 1967 Corvette with A/C was a pain. The 1959 battery location is not fun at all for this old body.
So, I will get in new battery in the next few days and hopefully will have solved the mystery. I do appreciate all of the help from everyone.


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I think you are getting close to the problem. Clean up those terminals with baking soda or a battery clean up spray from your parts store. A light dressing of grease will keep the oxidation low in the future.
I believe I have found the problem. :w I checked the output voltage with the new battery and new voltage regulator -- it was still high.
I figured it must be a bad generator, so I removed it and took it to the guy that rebuilt the starter and generator on my 1954 Corvette.
Sure enough the generator is bad. It has melted solder on the windings as you look inside. He says this will cause the voltage regulator to fail - again so the voltage is too high.
He says it will take him about two weeks to rebuild the generator and I have ordered another new style voltage regulator. Down the road he said he can rebuild the original Delco voltage regulator.
Problem fixed. Rebuilt generator, installed new voltage regulator -
Traded the car.
Problem fixed. :w
Yes, but I still have the 1954, so that should keep me in somewhat good standing.
The 1959 was and is a beautiful car - 98.6 Top Flight last year at Old Town.
Someone will enjoy that car. :w

Old Town, Kissimmee Florida - during the NCRS meet.
I'll start another thread with info and photos.


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