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63 intake cleaning


New member
Mar 24, 2009
houston, tx
I'm about to put back on the original 63' intake / wcfb that's been off the car for 10+ yrs.

I just had the carb rebuilt, but when checking out the intake i noticed some rust in thermostat area. What is the best way to clean this up? The car is a survivor so I'd like to not have to repaint the manifold if I don't have to.
I'm about to put back on the original 63' intake / wcfb that's been off the car for 10+ yrs.

I just had the carb rebuilt, but when checking out the intake i noticed some rust in thermostat area. What is the best way to clean this up? The car is a survivor so I'd like to not have to repaint the manifold if I don't have to.

Is the rust inside the thermostat passage, or external where it's visible with the housing installed?
I'm about to put back on the original 63' intake / wcfb that's been off the car for 10+ yrs.

I just had the carb rebuilt, but when checking out the intake i noticed some rust in thermostat area. What is the best way to clean this up? The car is a survivor so I'd like to not have to repaint the manifold if I don't have to.

Chrome Shop, have it vatted, not plated
the only way to go

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