Don Strausburg
I have had numerous problems with my turn signals. I had to replace the inside switch and then they worked fine for about a day. I then had to pull down harder on the lever to activate the signal. That worged about another day. Then my rear taillights would constantly flash when the car was running, but no turn signal. I had the switch sent back and was sent another one. Same exact problem. I ALREADY REPLACED THE FLASHER. After taking the second switch out of the steering column I looked close at it and noticed that the flat silver contact point was very flimsy. This was bought from Corvette Central. I know this is an aftermarket part and was probably made overseas somewhere. Any ideas where I can get a true factory REPLACEMENT. i'M SURE MOST OF THE CORVETTE STORES PROBBABLY GET THEM ALL FROM THE SAME PLACE. tHANKS FOR ANY HELP.:bash:W:bash:W