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64 wreck AKA family truckster


Feb 9, 2009
Montgomery NY
61 69 81 84 96 08 Z06 07 GT/CS Mustang 172 Cess
after bashing the nose off the 64 its starting to look like a car again . the nickname came from that vacation movie kinda looked like it . Glued the nose on this weekend so the body is pretty complete . To bring you up to speed the frame is restored and all those ugly body panels were torn off to build a real car again features are power steering /brakes vintage ac and big horsepower this 392 stroker was built for this car makes 438hp @5800 rpm and 520ft lbs torque at 3700 rpm yet it makes 16 in vacuum at 750 rpm to run the ac should be bad azz
Thanks for returning it to being a car.. :thumb


Wow.. :ohnoes:ohnoes:ohnoes
Looks like you are making good progress. One more nightmare saved.

Wow seems like an understatement. I never understood that whole square headlight mod but the rest is something else again. Glad you're bringing it back from fiberglass hell.

Looking good, good job bringing her back to the real world. Ace
I sincerely hope that you are NOT gonna keep that hood ornament :eek!
I'm glad that Vette is finally out of purgatory and that it will be looking MUCH better in awhile.
Andy Anderson :w

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