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73 aircleaner question

  • Thread starter Thread starter clarence-nieuwhof
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I don't have one and plan on getting one. What I would like to know is , is the base a drop base or not. I have a 650 holley spread bore that i want to put on and if the original is a drop base ...it won't fit on the holley.
C i am not sure what you are asking. the stock air cleaner doesnt drop down over the carb. if your Q-jet is in good working condition why change?

The stock rochester is in dire need of a rebuild as the accelerator pump quit in it. I have this holley 650 speadbore stock replacement that I was thinkin about putting on. If the base of the air cleaner is a drop base then it won't clear the bowls on the holley. I went through this on my Z28 and had to buy another breather or not use the holley and rebuild the quadrajet.
have you tried to set the air cleaner base on the holley? might save some time and get a quick answer.

Robin...the roller coaster man!
You see thats the problem . I don't have a stock breather for this 73 corvette and thats why I am asking.

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