FERL 73,
Your problem has been discussed before, so check the archives for your delima, but this is what has helped several guys and yes girls with thier brake problems.
You might need to set your brakes, what I mean by that is to take the car out in a safe location and drive a little ways and depress the brake hard, then let off the brake and drive 10 or so feet and do the same thing. This helps seat the calipers. It worked for me on my 77 and worked for several others who had the same problem. now if the car is lunging to one side it may be that that is the side that the cailper is "stuck" or you might have a leak in the brake hose on that side( this is what happened to me also on my 76, the brake hose was not leaking until I depressed on the brakes.) stainless brake lines would really be an upgrade, and does not cost much more than the stock rubber ones, and it would be an investment as far as brakes go. Good luck and let us know what happened.
Also welcome to the forum, this is a real nice place to get a lot of answers, and $ saving tips. One more thing, don't worry about how stupid a question is , if you need help you need help, and I have not seen one person here talk "down " to any one. These guys are full of knowledge and don't flaunt anyones lack there of. Im speaking from questions I have asked that I thought were kind of stupid!! Good luck ,
GIT R DONE________________________BORDERBUM