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77 Headlight help

MR. T.

Active member
Aug 30, 2005
Manitoba, Canada
1977 Light Blue
I have a minor glitch with my headlights. They work fine, but they do not come up when you pull the switch out, only when you use the override. Is this a sign of a needing new switch or is it some other issue. Thanks.
That sounds like the vacuum valve in the headlight switch isn't working anymore. It is in parallel with the override switch/valve and performs the same function.
Nice to have a backup system isn't it?
The text in 101 is good but the diagram is wrong! See the post 79 Head Lights by mwp50 for the corrected diagram at the head light and pull down connections, PG.
I guess I will have to take it apart and test it. Is the vacuum port a replaceable/re-buildable item, or are we talking a new switch? I love this site, such great information Thanks

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