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81 corvette rear window molding


Find the finest steel wool you can, I mean fine, "not the big wire stuff" masking tape off around the rear window trim to prevent accidental scratching the paint on the car..

Start in one direction "LIGHTLY" moving the steel wool across the painted chrome trim, the paint will come off pretty easy, as you get into it you see how much pressure you need to remove the black paint.

Once you get the paint off, I suggust using Mothers Chrome or Aluminum paste wax to shine it up ;)

Take your time and it will turn out looking good ;)

Don't use the course steel wool.. use the very fine grade, you don't want to scratch the chrome under the paint or the paint on your car :J

I'd remove the molding first, too easy to mess up your paint if you don't. It's not that hard to get off, with the right tool. Just be careful with the plastic clips, you don't want to break them. After it's off, I'd use some paint stripper, less chance of scraping the crome. The paint is pretty thin, so it shouldn't take much to get it off.
It's basically a thin bar of metal with a hook at each end. You slide the hook under the molding, slide it along the molding until you feel a D-clip. Then you pull, (or push, can't remember), until you feel a click. I think there are about 10 or so clips under there. Be careful not to break the D-clips, they are plastic. If one or 2 break it should still be ok, but break a bunch and the trim will be loose, and I think the window will have to come out to replace them. The tool is available at NAPA for less than 10 bucks as I remember.
Does anyone have a pic of this tool in question and how to operate it?
Yes, remove the molding first, but why do you need tools or steel wool?
Get some cheap liquid super paint remover. Brush it on there, after a few seconds you see the black paint bubbling. Take a old shirt to wipe it off and repeat this till all the paint is off (3x I think) you'll have no scratches but It still is only stainless steel under there and no chrome. Try to polish it to get it shining again.
Good luck,

Groeten Peter.
You might be able to take the car by a body shop and have them remove the trim. That way you could see how to remove it , what tool to use and maybe how to put it back on. This is better than messing something up and have to wait for new clips or something.
Well, I am thinking about leaving the trim on and removing the old paint and then repainting it black. Question is, how do I remove the paint the right way and then I want to repaint the trim black so how do I know if the new paint will stick around for awhile. I have heard three different ways to remove the paint and three different ways to repaint...
I used 0000 Steel Wool or another name for it 4/0. Masking off around the front window with the blue painters masking tape making sure I had a good wide border around the frame for protection. I then went in one direction lightly rubbing as described above until all the paint was removed. With all paint removed I then used brown painters paper masking it down to protect from overspray. I then take two or three clean cotton towels and apply a good wax and grease remover to one towel and wet down one section at a time. You will have to work quickly as the wax and grease remove does evaporate. Wipe on the Wax and grease remover with one towel and with a clean towel dry off section. I do each section 2 or 3 times. I use PPG DX330 for anything I repaint.
Now your ready for paint, I used Krylon Semi Flat Black in the fizz can. Shake the can real good, 5 minutes. I also let the can sit in hot tap water for around 10 minutes before painting. Re-shake can after it warms up for 30 seconds and your good to go. Two or three light coats should cover it. I repainted mine 5 years ago and has not flaked off at all.
Remember a good paint job is only as good as the surface it is applied to!
Brian, this is great. I just got done polishing the wheels and the trim is my next small project. Have you repainted the black on your wheels yet? Again, thanks for the info.
Just steel wool and no liquid to assist with paint removal?
Yes I have done my wheel centers, pretty much the same process as the window trim as far as stripping the old paint off, but you can be a little more aggressive on the paint removal on the wheels as your topcoat will end up a little bit heavier then the trim will be. Remove one wheel at a time.
After the surface has been cleaned take a square piece of thin cardboard that is large enough to cover the wheel and tire and a 2lb 7oz clean coffee can with the bottom cut out. Now place the coffee can in the center of the cardboard and trace around the outside of the coffee can. Cutout the hole so the can just fits tight in the cutout. Place can and cardboard on the wheel push can down to the wheel surface so it sits square on the rim. Now the tricky part, getting the can centered where the paint should be! It can be done. Just like the trim clean surface real good with DX330 and warm up fizz can in water and apply 5 or 6 light coats of paint. The paint on the rims should be heavier then the trim. I NEVER use an impact wrench on my wheels, never.
I just used 4/0 Steel Wool to remove window trim paint.
Brian, how about the grooves in the wheels? Did you use anything else other then just steel wool to remove paint? Thanks for putting up with all the questions...
Hi Chuck. Thanks for the info and the pic. I think I will leave the moulding in place and not chance breaking the plastic clips that holds the moulding down in place. Tape it off and paint it in place. Although I may just get the tool just in case...Jeff
There has to be a better way to take off the black paint on the rear window trim? So far, it is easier to use my fingernail then the fine steel wool as suggested. Any ideas?
I know this is an old topic but I used acetone...

I use acetone to remove black paint from corvette windows trim. I just wet a shop cloth with acetone and just hold it on the trim for 10-20 seconds then wipe the black paint right off. This does not harm the trim at all like steel wool does. Just tape off the paint around the window first because it could damage your paint.

Hope this helps someone.

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