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82 vette a.c. on floor, not much flow out vents

Jul 20, 2016
Help, The car has been carburated, crossfire removed. Just put new compressor ,dryer,flushed system, ran vacuum, all good. Prior owner cut the vacuum lines that ran thru dash to the part that sits behind glove box. He removed the lines that went thru firewall and put in glove box for next owner to figure out.I'm the new owner, Now what? I think I can order new vacuum lines but have no idea where they go. Secondly we had, I said had cold air coming out vents, but by moving the levers back and forth now we only have cold air on floor, very little coming out vents, what happened and where can I get a schematic on where the vacuum lines go,? Lastly , where do I bet vacuum to run all the actuators, I have a holly carb, can I put a t in line somewhere, should I use high or low side for my vacuum,? I know I have asked not of questions but you have all helped me before Thanks
You need to get a factory service manual for a vacuum line schematic. More than likely you should be pulling vacuum from the base of the carb or a fitting in the intake manifold. I have a 3 way fitting in the hole in one of the rear runners of my aftermarket manifold that I run all my full time vacuum from. You must be getting vacuum from someplace since moving the levers has moved a door and changed the air flow to the floor. I think your first step is to replace your vacuum lines and make sure they are connected properly. While you are connecting them you can check the actuators to be sure they will hold vacuum. Then be sure the vacuum is connected to a full time source.

Tom, thanks for the help, after doing some investigation work I took the gauges out to replace the volt meter gauge which allowed me to peak down in the console, I looked at the switch that changes a.c., heater, vents and I only had 1 vacuum hose attached. Now I'm not sure which line goes where yet but once I do things should work. At least I found out why they didn't. I see on Ecklers corvette they have manuals f sale. Which should I order or where can I get the diagram you speed of,? Thanks
When it comes to replacing vacuum lines, I like to use the Dr. Rebuild vacuum line kits. His lines are the same I.D./O.D. as the originals and are color coded the same as the originals. In addition, his vacuum line kits come with a color coded diagram showing the line routing which really eases installation. Dr. Rebuild vacuum line kits are available from Dr. Rebuild or from Corvette Central. For example:


They also have the vacuum actuators, should you find one with a bad diaphram and need to replace it.

I don't know about '82 models, but on earlier C3 models, there is an vacuum actuator, I believe for the fresh air door, that is mounted in the inner fender well that is not accessible. The only way to get to it would be to chop a hole in the fender. Why Chevrolet chose to mount it there is lost to the ages, so hopefully if your '82 has one there, it and it's vacuum line will be problem free. On my '72 coupe, I spliced that line up behind the dash.

One other thing, if the A/C ductwork on a '82 is similar to my '72, you will find that the duct work for the most part is a loose slip fit. While I had the dash out, I used the aluminum metal duct tape for home A/C duct work to seal the various slip fit joints. It's a bit of extra work to get it all sealed up, but really helps with the air flow leaks behind the dash panel. Just something you may want to consider while you are in there.

Good luck with your project. :thumb
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Tom, thanks for the help, after doing some investigation work I took the gauges out to replace the volt meter gauge which allowed me to peak down in the console, I looked at the switch that changes a.c., heater, vents and I only had 1 vacuum hose attached. Now I'm not sure which line goes where yet but once I do things should work. At least I found out why they didn't. I see on Ecklers corvette they have manuals f sale. Which should I order or where can I get the diagram you speed of,? Thanks

SVO is right on the money with his suggestion of Dr. Rebuild for a vac hose kit with diagram. From the sound of things you will probably need help in other areas too over the course of your repair work and a​ factory service manual is essential. This is the one used by the Chevy dealers. I'm rather surprised at the price they want for these. I never bought one before as mine have been cast offs from dealers. A few greasy fingerprints and dog eared pages don't bother me as long as there aren't pages missing. You might try Ebay or Amazon on these to save some money.
I bought a Helms '82 shop manual back in 1988 from my local Chevrolet dealer for about $115 if I recall correctly. Today the manual is just about totally shot but it sure has served me well over the last 28 years. When it comes to working on the '82's you definitely need a shop manual because of the CrossFire Injection and a few other things that are specific to the '82's.
Same o same o

Well I'm still working on the a.c.. since it takes a while to get parts shipped and the wife says we're taking all the carpet out and refinishing the oak floors I'm lucky too still be alive and still having this problem. So much for that. I did order a shop Manuel, has been some help but not enough pictures for this old man. I can read well but all the wording could be replaced with a couple photos. Back to the a.c.. I installed all new vacuum lines, after tearing half the dash out to get to all the actuators, I got all lines run. Now interlocking at the heater, a.c. vacuum switch, I just ordered one of these, Either mine was falling apart or that is how they were supposed to be, I had nothing to compare to so i ordered new, still waiting on it. Question, before I started all this replacing , when I put the lever in a.c. mode the compressor would kick on, Now after all this work it won't. Checked fuse in main fuse panel, no power either side of fuse, WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED? Any help is appreciated. I'm retired, tired, near broke and literally pissed thanks
One possible reason your compressor isn't kicking on could be the system is low on freon. There is a low pressure cutout switch on the accumulator which keeps the compressor from running when the system is low. One way to check is to by-pass the switch. The switch is mounted on the accumulator, which is the aluminum cylinder mounted on the A/C box under the hood. There should be a two wire plug on switch. Unplug the wires (believe may be a green wire & a black wire), jumper between the two wires and see if the compressor will come on. If so, you just need to add freon to the system.

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