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For Sale 84-90 New Deluxe Door Panels (Bronze)

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Sep 16, 2003
Western PA
1984-89 Corvette Deluxe Door Panels (Bronze) $750. Brand new still in boxes, wrapped in plastic. Shipped at the buyers expense.
Rare Color. These are brand new featuring pre-installed Upper Door Panel Trim, Upper Air Vent, Inner Window Seal, Matching Armrest, Lower Air Vent, and Carpet Strip. Prices from suppliers keep going up. Save almost $300 on these.


  • LH 85 door panel.jpg
    LH 85 door panel.jpg
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  • RH 85 door panel.jpg
    RH 85 door panel.jpg
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Reading the reviews for Corvette America, I am curious. I haven't done business with them so I can't personally comment on how good or bad they are. Did you buy the door panels? How was the customer experience? Did they fit and how was the color match? Was the quality what you expected?
Given that most Corvette parts houses manufacture very few of the parts they sell, did you compare price with other sources?

I purchased these several years ago. They have never been installed, I took them out of the boxes for examination only. They look outstanding, perfect match, very good quality. I believe Corvette America manufactures these for all Corvette parts houses. No one else is making these as far as I know.
That's good to hear. It's a unique color.


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