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'89 cold start and electrical issues


New member
Jul 27, 2010
Syracuse, NY
I have 3 problems with my '89 6-speed, at least 2 and possibly all 3 are electrical in nature:

1.) Anytime she sits for more than 8 hrs, it just cranks and cranks for about a minute or longer until it rumbles to a start. I changed the fuel filter but that had no impact. Could it be the fuel pick up?

2.) I also have a wacky fuel gauge. Unless I fill the tank it usually shows 1/4 tank more than it actually has. So if it's at 3/4 I assume I have 1/2 tank. Don't know if 1 and 2 are related, but I suspect not.

3.) A/C control freaks out from time to time. Digital read out just goes round and round counterclockwise. I can control all the functions even when it does this, and the a/c and heat work fine.

Appreciate your feedback!
that starting issue...
if the car runs fine when successfully started, cold start issues usually point to something wrong with the information supplied to the injection (i.e. engine ECU). something like temp sensors.

however...what happens if you jump the fuel pump relay so that you´ll hear the pump running? this should make sure there is fuel in the rails to inject.
do you happen to know if you´ve got oil pressure while cranking? I think the ECU needs to see oil pressure before permitting engine start.

good luck
had this problem on my 85..bought a fuel guage to make sure I had fuel pressure....changed the fuel pump and the fuel relay..it was cheap..cured the problem immediately....mid america has a stainless fuel pump and sensor set up for 130 bcks....sounds like that's what you need...after pulling it all out of the fuel tank to install the new fuel pump....guage started acting up....should have bought the whole unit like i'm advising you..

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