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A little help, how do I get it home????

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Here's my dillema.

I found a car that from everything I've heard about is what I'm looking for and it is priced pretty much inline with the "bible" (Vette Price Handbook). The problem is that it's out of state. Far enough so that I'll have to fly out there. So that means I'd have to drive it back. The kicker is, I'm from MN and the upper midwest and I would need to drive it smack dab through the middle of the midwest snowbelt and that means SALT if the roads are wet.

I talked to the mechanic that looked at the car for the current buyer and he said he'd really hate to see that happen, salt from road spray getting up underneither it.

Does anybody have any opinions or experience with my situation? It's not going to be a show car, but I'd certainly hate to cause trouble for myself down the road.

Thanks for your help.
Some self storage facilitys allow you to store automobiles. Three months rent is no bad for a secure spot till you can drive it home. Just a thought
Just out of curiosity, where's the car located? Some other members may know of reputable storage facilities in the area.
What's the worst that could happen?

I don't see how one trip during winter weather with salty road conditions can hurt a vehicle. Can you not just spray clean the underside when you reach your destination?

I'd be more concerned with hitting a patch of ice the salt missed and sliding off the road or into on-coming!
No fun :mad

What kind of fun is that? That would kill me!! :hb

I want it home sitting in the garage so that I can go out and ogle over it and anticipate my first opportunity to take the T's off and drive it in the sunshine. I don't want it in a storage stall somewhere collecting a few months worth of dust. Who wants to buy a toy only to have to put it away and not play with it. :cry

Thanks for the ideas. I think I could probably talk the guy into keeping it for me. If his storrage place is good for him, I think I should be good enough for me.
One of the good things about MN is that they have a lot of touchless car washes that have the undercarriage wash. I figure a few time through that might help. ;stupid
I'm with 78 on this one, how much can it hurt to drive it home in salt. If I were doing what you are I would have it on a lift before I shut the engine off after I got home. Drive it, I know you'll love the trip. When I brought my 72 home I started picking up rust out of the fuel system faster than the fuel filter would handle it. Had to stop, flush, new filter, drive 5/50 miles, stop flush,,,,,, you get the drift.

Colder than a frogs belly, windy, not sure we would make it home but that's the only way I wanted to do it, so I drove it home. Had it out last week, still as good as any new car experience I've ever had. Well, maybe not, on the way home from work tonight I took the C5 over the 140 mark, love that car!!!!
:cool :_rock
I guess I'd have to know for sure if the car has ever been driven in snow/salt. If it has then go for it and drive it home. If it has not and you are positive it never has been... then I'd probably store it for a month or so.
I can think of nothing worst than a long trip on the interstate with cars and especially trucks kicking up sand and stone into my cars finish. Your car will get some serious dings and that would be ashame. It won't be fun. You will cringe every time you hear the slap of road sand against your finish. Its your car but my .02 is just be patient and enjoy a spring drive home with no damage. Either way good luck Michael
Have you looked at having it trailered home?? I wouldn't even think of driving it in the winter weather. Forget about the salt on the roads...think of a possible accident!! Have it trailered!

Lemon Peel aka Elaine
One alternative if you really want to get it home it to have it sprayed top to bottom with a heavy wax, you can even have the exterior done as well to protect the paint, it doesn`t look good but it will do the job for a road trip.

Once you get it home you can have it steam cleaned, all new cars that are stored in yards used to get this done to them and might still do even in this day of galvanised bodies. If you want to be really cheap you can use thick engine oil but the wax sticks better. It needs to be done on a ramp preferably with the wheels off to get into all the nooks and crannies.

I do the underside of my car every year with a light wax and in the past I have sucessfully stored cars outside for long periods of time.

One good trip on salted roads and it will start a process which over time on unprotected parts starts a process which is almost irreversible unless you meticulouly clean and more importantly dry the car as well. It`s a messy job but worth the effort.

How about you pay for it and I pick it up and drive it back to Florida.Then I can drive it around for a few months ( just to keep the battery charged up,,,hehe) and you can come get it in May.
I won't even charge you a storage fee. Just send $200.00 for gas money every month. After all we don't want the battery to go dead.

I think it's a good deal don't you.

Good luck Roy
I have to agree with the enclosed trailer option or storage till you have good weather.
Salt a.k.a. rust is awful sneaky, it'll take years for you to start seeing the damage you've done.
I also have to agree that the sound of stuff hitting your car is going to make you wish you had waited.

You asked who wants to buy a toy and have to just look at it?
I live in the NorthEast and my toy usually sits from mid November til mid April.
Of course I hate it, But each spring it's like getting a new toy or being reunited with a loved one. It's a rush hearing it fire right up after it's little nap.

Good luck either way and enjoy,

Two Words......

ENCLOSED TRAILER!!! How many miles will you be driving the car home once you get to where it is? There's a number of reputable antique and classic car movers that get around $1 a mile maybe a little more, depending on the going rate for diesel at the time. You DO NOT want to drive that car in salt or grit, sand covered roads. The mist and salt dust will get into places you'll never get to with a power washer. Don't you know anyone with a trailer you can rent? I'd go to the yellow pages and the internet, before I'd drive it or store it where it is. I did a quick search on the web, here's a couple to get you started: http://www.ableautotransport.com/ http://www.horselesscarriage.com/ I borrowed one when I bought my 62, no worry about break down, no plates, registration until I got it home. I'm actually buying an enclosed trailer this spring when my neighbor is ready to sell his. They're well worth the money, especially if you belong to a club or have enough friends with classic cars, I'm in both of those catagories. I have a friend that bought a nice used one for $4500, has used it countless times and stores his car in it in during the winter months.
This is not going to endear me to many of the people replying to this post but here it goes. I buy a car, and that’s all a Corvette is, a car, to drive. I buy flowers to look at and to smell. Why would I have a huge flower pot in my garage? It’s a car, not a flower or anything God like, drive it. If you own a car just to say you have it, OK, but if you own it to enjoy it, drive it. Part of the driving experience of a Corvette is cleaning and caring for it not “you should see what I have in my barn all covered up”. That may be why I’ll never own an L88, to rare for me not to destroy it’s value by driving it.

There is another side to this though, wrap it up and keep it nice so someone else can enjoy it after we are gone (like in dead). Does that make any sense?

I have this great suit but I’m not going to wear it because it might get dirty, or torn, or worse yet I would enjoy it too much. I must be missing something here, right?? May be I should have someone wear it for me, or stay in the car when I wear it. Ok, I got it, I'm going to wear it to a party and have fun in it, oh, whoa is me, should I be that bold?

Ok, I'm ready for the flames. :confused
First, I find the members of the CAC to be quite civilized so I don't think you will get bashed. We all have different ideas of how a Vette should be cared for. I respect the right of anyone to care for their car any way they please. Hey you paid for it!
As for myself, I'm a middle of the road guy. Use the car from May until the first snow falls. I feel the Corvette is not just a car. its special, a toy, hobby and a extension of ourselves.
I would not drive my Vette year round because of the damage that would be done to it. Just like I would not use the good crystal for a backyard barbaque, or wear my good watch while mowing the lawn etc. There is a time and a place for everything and I don't think winter driving is appropriate for a Corvette. First of all it's not any fun. Plus hearing the ping,click,tic of sand bouncing off my Vette would take away any pleasure the ride could produce.
This is just one mans opinion on the matter but I believe it's a popular one.
Just looked in the gararge and I can sleep well knowing its all covered up waiting till the first warm spring day. Because it's special.

PS. Never took the boat out in the winter either. Cuz it's no fun.
Okay, I won't bash either

I know it's yours and you paid for it, but it makes me sick to see someone drivin a vette in the winter.
I guess some people have enough money to just buy another after they've destroyed theirs.
I on the other hand take pride in having rebuilt mine and taking care of it the way the pervious owner wishes he had.

I do take a lot of enjoyment in driving my vette, but there are times when it just makes sense to drive my truck.


PS. I just looked at your 72, come on go ahead tell me you drive that in the snow dad, By the way it looks very nice
I'm with Dad

Now, while I won't call my vette "a car", it is in fact a vehicle...and that is it's purpose. A vehicle gets you from point A to point B. A vette gets you there in style!

However, I also feel there are times to not drive a vette. I won't drive in snow or ice (have no skill in that weather) but I do drive in the rain.

Chips happen. The paint and I can handle it.

I do admire vehicle owners that have taken the time, care, love and $ to restore many of yesterday's rolling treasures for the future to enjoy. I figure there are enough of them, I can drive mine and at the same time allow the public to enjoy seeing my vehicle put to its intended use.
Dad - No flames, agree 110% as I have stated myself in various posts. IT'S A CAR, and it was designed to be a car, not a piece of art.
Everybody, thanks for your opinions. If anybody else wants to jump in, the water's great. :-)

I have done one transport price check and it will run me around $900. Yes, the trip would be 2 days and 900+ miles.........one way. Driving over with an enclosed trailer or a large van and the driving back is a weeks trip for the most part. I'm not sure I want to take that much time off besides the wear and tear................on me!!! I'm 40 and I love to drive wherever I go generally, but 1800 miles in 4-5 days is even more for me, I think. Especially alone.

I am only worried about it if the roads are wet. If it's dry and has been for a while, I'm less concerned. Justifably so, I don't know. It would not be a winter drive car, obviously living in MN, but it could see some winter elements/salt sometime in that 900 mile trip and that would be it.

I'm am somewhat with DAD in that I will be driving it. It's not going to be a show car and see a few miles per year. To the best of my knowledge and based upon the condition of the car, I feel 99.9% sure it has not seen snow. Maybe some rain, but not snow. Obviously, if I hit a storm I will be spending a few more nights on the road than what I was anticipating.

If I don't drive it home, I have eliminated the trailering possibility, at least an open trailer. To me, it could still see road spray and be pelted with salt/sand/stones on a trailer. So, that means a van or enclosed trailer. I certainly have thought of washing & steaming it upon my return or when the weather improves, but that cost might be close to as much as forking out the $$$ for shipping or a van/enclosed trailer.

Certainly, if I don't drive it home, my cost of the vehicle goes up even more than my costs to fly, spend the night, food and gas to get home.

Oh what's a guy to do. Maybe I should look in FL. At least for half the trip I could take off the top and reduce the potential for the poorer raod conditions. :-)

Thanks guys & gal(s).

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