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A TPMS Headache!!!

Dangerous Dan

Aug 7, 2017
Simsbury, CT.
2000 convertible bowling green metallic
I was checking my tire pressures out on the road with the tires all warmed up. I got good readings (34-36) on three wheels but the left rear pressure was blank. I figured the battery in the TPMS sensor was dead so I bought a new one, broke the outer bead and installed it. Still no reading. It was a universal sensor that shouldn't have needed to be cloned. After a few trips to different tire shops with no success I tried Pep Boys. They had 3 different cloning tools and they all said the new Sensor was transmitting just fine on all three cloning tools. To my surprise they said the old sensor I removed was not dead and transmitting as well.
So my question: Is there a receiving device in close proximity to that left rear wheel. One that picks up the signal from that wheel and sends it to the computer that runs the display? Or, do C5 Corvettes require a special sensor or cloning tool?
Thanks for the help in advance, I need it.
Dangerous Dan :ugh
Follow up on the headache. I bought a pre programmed sensor from Ecklers for 97 to 2000 models. I installed it and still no pressure reading for the left rear tire. Is it possible the computer just can't receive the left rear information and it is not the sensor's fault? Strange that the other 3 tires are just fine.
Could be that someone swapped the left and right tires and didn't swap the sensors. When they are programmed into the computer, they become "locked" into that location. In other words, the left rear tire sensor will show up as being the left rear sensor no matter what wheel it's on. If possible, I would have Pep Boys check the other rear wheel (it's unlikely that the sensor would be on a front wheel unless someone REALLY messed with it) to see if that one is working correctly as well. If not, that's the problem. If Yes, continue with the diagnosis using the factory service manual.
Hi Andy,
Thanks for getting back to me. This issue is driving me nuts. I have spent over 100 bucks on the two sensors I purchased. about 40 for the Autel Universal and 60 ish for the pre programed sensor from Ecklers. I did let air out of the right rear and went for a short ride. It read low in about 200 yards down the road and went back to 30 when I set the tire back up to 30 psi. I even checked the two fronts to see if someone crossed the sensors corner to corner. The fronts are perfect, no issue there either. When this first start the car I get the [Service Tire monitor System] display on the DIC. The left rear pressure setting stays blank around town but out on the highway at 60+ it displays L xxx for the left rear. How does one Service the Tire Monitor system after the sensors have been ruled out? Is there a dedicated receiver for the TPSM sensors somewhere, or is processing their info just a function of the main computer and/or DIC?
Thanks for trying, Someone must know the answer,
Dangerous Dan
Hi Andy,
Thanks for getting back to me. This issue is driving me nuts. I have spent over 100 bucks on the two sensors I purchased. about 40 for the Autel Universal and 60 ish for the pre programed sensor from Ecklers. I did let air out of the right rear and went for a short ride. It read low in about 200 yards down the road and went back to 30 when I set the tire back up to 30 psi. I even checked the two fronts to see if someone crossed the sensors corner to corner. The fronts are perfect, no issue there either. When this first start the car I get the [Service Tire monitor System] display on the DIC. The left rear pressure setting stays blank around town but out on the highway at 60+ it displays L xxx for the left rear. How does one Service the Tire Monitor system after the sensors have been ruled out? Is there a dedicated receiver for the TPSM sensors somewhere, or is processing their info just a function of the main computer and/or DIC?
Thanks for trying, Someone must know the answer,
Dangerous Dan

Have you performed the programming procedure through the DIC with a heavy magnet?
Does that procedure require the heavy washer style magnet with the hole sized to fit over the valve stem? I don't have one but I will buy one if you think it will work. I could not get the DIC to offer the relearn procedure as the 4 wheel locations are already built into the display. I tried pushing both lock and unlock on the key fob simultaneously, that didn't work. I couldn't get the left front parking light (or turn signal light) to illuminate to start the walk around.
I am still trying for a fix that won't require a dealer visit for a computer session.

Dangerous Dan
Yes it does and it needs to be done to train a new sensor, even GM sensors. First you need to get into the retrain sensor mode through the DIC and follow the procedure, it’s not hard but could take a couple times. I do use the special magnet for training. Google corvette C5 TPMS training to access the DIC, I printed it out but cannot remember right now the procedure.
Thanks Andy, I ordered that 19 dollar round magnet off Ebay, it will be here next week. I will get the procedure off the Google search and advise the results.
Thanks again, Dangerous Dan
Thanks Andy, I ordered that 19 dollar round magnet off Ebay, it will be here next week. I will get the procedure off the Google search and advise the results.
Thanks again, Dangerous Dan

The magnet arrived so I wrote down the relearn procedure while watching a you tube video for C5 corvettes. I started teaching the locations LF, RF, RR and finally my problematic LR. I got 3 horn blows but nothing from the LR. I decided to remove the LR wheel and move it up to the front of the car. I figured closer to the computer might help to trigger the setting. No luck, I called Ecklers and they were no help. They said it should work without doing the relearn procedure. So, every day I have to hit the reset button so I can see info on the DIC.
Stumped now,
Dangerous Dan
Success at last !!!

Yes, late last fall before I put the Vette away for the​ winter I called the Corvette Center in Newington, CT. I asked if they ever had a problem cloning TPMS sensors on C5 Corvettes? Yes they had! On one C5 after 4 different attempts with 4 different brands of sensors, they bought a GM Delco TPMS for C5 applications and it worked. I did the same, bought one online for around $120.00. List was over $200. I cloned it standing next to my Vette with it in my hand not in the wheel. as soon as I ran the donut magnet down the stem the horn blew instantly! I checked the DIC and it said I had a flat tire, I realized I finally had a fix before I even removed the tire for the swap!
PS: Ecklers did accept the return and reimbursed me for most of the 70 dollars they charged me for the dedicated C5 sensor they sell!

Dangerous Dan
Glad you got it figured out! I had a similar issue on my truck. Gotta stick with AC Delco on stuff like this I guess!
About any strong magnet will work,I use my C shaped magnetic diel indicator mount.

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