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About the numbers

  • Thread starter Thread starter robertog
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I just got a 1959 # 7714 now here is my question if my block has a casting number 375 6519 but the front number on the boss is v128734 does that make it the correct block for my car ? second question there is a distributor on the motor #1110947 9b2 and one in a box 1110946 1d5 any of these correct ?and it has a 4speed trans most all parts have 1959 dates etc but what do all theses numbers really mean to value etc
the cowl tag is missing so just trying to find out about this car ?;shrug
im also wondering about the other distributor that was in a box it is the corrrect casting number but is it the correct date for the car witch was built in may of 59
im also wondering about the other distributor that was in a box it is the corrrect casting number but is it the correct date for the car witch was built in may of 59

What other distributor? Maybe I missed the number. ;shrug
thanks johnz i am learning about this car everyday quite fun acually :beer
1110946 1d5

That's the correct distributor part number, but it was made on April 5, 1961; too late for your car. That distributor was used on all Corvette base engines from 1959 through 1961.

Paragon can make you a new aluminum band with that part number and a date correct for your car. :)

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