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After market exhausts

  • Thread starter Thread starter StevieRay
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Thanks Hib,
I have ordered the Corsa @THELAPD...$800 total included overnight fedex to Reno..I was very impressed with the sound interior and exterior(sound files provided by a member)..I greatly appreciate your response and knowledge of the technology,,
Corsa c4 exhaust

I installed the c4 corsa, and I am totally in love...You cannot hear it inside the vette, but outside!!!!!! Oh my god...sounds like a 396/375hp 1970 chevelle super sport:

Glad you like it "nevadacoin", I agree 100%!!
It's the best exhaust going right now :upthumbs
I can't get enough of it. :)
a have B&B triflow because corsa did not sell one!

If I had the chance I would bought a Corsa, but for my '86, they did not make one. My friend has a zr1 and is very pleased with it. I look good and the sound a Goooood! No resonance and ekstra HP.

Second choice is the B&B- tri-flow, good performance (goes up till 700hp engines) and very loud sound. (I have no cats)

But resonance !!!

They say it leaves after 5000 miles.

So I bought the B&B tri-flow

No Cats????????

Johnny, you have no cats? My buddy at work has a Mustang GT with no mufflers, but 4 cats and it sounds incredible.

How in the world do you manage the emissions part? We in Cook County, Illinois have very strict emissions and the thought of having no cats has crossed my mind.

Also, with this midwest weather, should I go stainless steel all the way when I get my high performance mufflers? Should I do the whole exhaust system, headers/high flow cat, or are the mufflers good enough?

In the Netherlands;

All new cars must be emissionlegal.

Old cars like C3 or older don't.

Imported cars older than 10 years, they must be less emissionlegal.

Sometimes they forget to write it on the carpapers, so then you do'not have to use a kat.

My vette they forget...........

Once in a year evey car older than 3 years MUST be official checked, then they also check the emission. Then we put the cat back....

When the police stops your car and they see you have no cats, you get a ticket ($500). But my vette do not.


If you want more performance you should do the whole exhaust, rvs in not nececary but its smarter. Also you have a liftime garanty on the exhaust.

For a normal tuned enigine you use 1 5/8 headers and a 2,5 " exhaust.
For a blower enigine (vortech) use 1 3/4" headers and a 2,5 " exhaust.
For the everything bigger and more hp you use the 3" exhaust.
Turbo's? No cats.

Have you an idea how much **** goes in the air in China, India or USSR?????? 100 times more than we do in the westerncivilisation. So...when I drive 5000 miles with my vette and without the cats..

No cats = 25 Hp
you folks that have the corsas....still happy with them? The sound file was awesome...better than anything I heard from borsa or flowmaster! Let me know if you're still in luv! :P

Good luck with your first vette. My self? I should had bought a vette 20 years ago.


For the newer vette, like yours, you can have the Corsa 3", you MUST buy the headers too, long tubes ofcorse.

My friend, who has a ZR1, and run 1:12 compression ratio, has a 550 hp and drives the corsa 3", it's awsome.

Myself, I have the B&B- triflow 2,5", why? They coulden't make it bigger. I do have the 1 3/4" headers from TPIS

The Corsa gets better every day...The deep tone and sound beat all others..:cool
I just pulled the entire exhaust off to get to the drive train, its a flowmaster system. I like the sound and interior resinance isnt bad at all. I do want to get rid of the cat, do they make a piece to replace it ? Or is this an owner fabricaqted part?
Hey Dave, seeing as how Johnny is from the Netherlands, so maybe he mis-spelled what he meant, but I think what he meant to say was a "service" pipe. ;)

_ken :w
I read somewhere that said no cats=25HP. Any thoughts on that? Wouldn't haven't no cats significantly increase the sound to almost unbearable levels?
Thanks Ken, It had me surfing for it. LOL And I am wondering about the sound factor and if it would be significantly louder or not.
I'll have to bow out here, you know what I run. Anyway, there are a lot of others who'll offer their opinions here shortly. ;)

_ken :w

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