Keep this in mind ... whatever brand aluminum radiator you decide on: Some manufacturers use EPOXY to seal the tubes to the header panels ... others furnace braze instead. IMHO, furnace braze is superior to epoxy. From experience I know it is very difficult to make a weld-repair to aluminum if it has epoxy on/near it. Griffin rads are quite good, but for many years they've been constructed with epoxy ... I dunno if that's recently changed or not. Same goes for the filler neck (on those apps that have a neck) ... some use a stamping ... some use a heavier billet/casting. IMHO, a stamped neck is less-desirable. As before, Griffin has routinely used a stamped neck ... dunno if that's changed either. BTW, if I recall Griffin is made right here in good old South Carolina ... but I opt for the Northern that's made in Minnesota. Also, regardless which brand ... every universal fit aluminum rad I've seen has NO draincock NOR bung in which to fit one. So, when choosing ... considerations should also include epoxy v. braze, neck design, draincock.
I wouldn't be surprised to find that some vette rad specialists' AL rads are custom-manufactured for them by Northern. Northern currently supplies Summit, Lefthander Chassis, Speedway and others with their house brands. To my knowledge, Northern has yet to offer direct fit AL rads for vette ... but they do for many popular muscle cars. I buy universal fit Northern 31 x 19 (2 one inch row) for about $155 ... but you do have to fit them and I wouldn't expect a fan shroud to fit perfectly. That's why I suggest DeWitts for direct fit.