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Ammeter connection

  • Thread starter Thread starter Don Strausburg
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Don Strausburg

Can someone tell me where to connect the wires from my ammeter on a 1964 coupe. The wires are color coded, but I do not know where they go. If a picture is possible that would really help. Thanks to anyone who responds.:bash
The black/white stripe wire goes through the bulkhead multiple connector to the screw terminal buss on the horn relay, and the black wire goes through the bulkhead multiple connector to the big battery cable stud on the starter solenoid. Both wires are part of the instrument panel harness, and enter the fuse block in the bundle of wires at the top of the fuse block. On the engine compartment side of the fuse block, both wires are in the inboard multiple connector, and are part of the engine harness. The wiring diagram is at the end of section 12 in the Assembly Manual and in the 1964 Corvette Shop Manual Supplement.


Thanks for the info John, it really helps me.;)

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