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An old theme but a new thread...

I wasn't offended. Sorry if that's the way it appeared. Am I not allowed to disagree with you, does it cause distress ?......Roger.
Disagree away. It doesn't distress me; however it was annoying me so I end up responding curtly. Like most issues, recognizing the problem is half of the solution. Now that I've noticed, I will read your posts more closely so I don't misinterpret anything and mind my manners.

Meanwhile, this isn't finding a solution to Rocketblock's excellent mystery… More pictures, please?

No one has guessed it so far.... another pic clue...


  • mysteryCar2014-2.jpg
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ANOTHER pic clue:


  • MysteryCar2014-3.jpg
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1954-1958 Bristol 405 4 Door Sedan

Only 4 Door Bristol manufactured.

Nice going. This one was tough!

I knew it was British!
We have a winner!!! your turn in the barrel LT4man.


  • bristol405fourdoorsedan.jpg
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I like the color of this car:

Old theme but a new one Pic 1 3-23-14.jpg

Corvette Torch Red Color? Or arrest me red?
Could be either one, I believe!

How about another picture clue or something? :D
Two clues:

Car was built in Italy.

Production occurred in the 1950s.

Good Luck!

Am thinking (ie google-fu):
1956 Maserati A6G/54GT 2000 Berlinetta

That is a great guess. And a gorgeous car!

But, no, not a Maserati.

Another clue:

Blue car for Old Theme Side View 3-28-14.jpg


Mid 1950s Lancia Aurelia B24S Spider :thumb


  • Lancia Aurelia B24.jpg
    Lancia Aurelia B24.jpg
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