Let me make my first post here....
My 2K 80K coupe developed a loud clacking noise, that goes out when I turn off the A/C.
I believe the clutch of the compressor is making it.
1- did this happaned to any of you?
2- is there an easy fix without taking it to the "stealership"?
3- Could the clutch be replaced without disconnecting the compressor completly, thus noefilling of freon, etc?
4- any suggestions????:ugh
My 2K 80K coupe developed a loud clacking noise, that goes out when I turn off the A/C.
I believe the clutch of the compressor is making it.
1- did this happaned to any of you?
2- is there an easy fix without taking it to the "stealership"?
3- Could the clutch be replaced without disconnecting the compressor completly, thus noefilling of freon, etc?
4- any suggestions????:ugh