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Auto trans MPG

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I'm curious to what kind of gas mileage other c4 autos are getting in town and on the highway. Also include your rear end ratio.

I get about 16.4 avg miles in town and avg 16.9 on the highway at 80 mph steady speed. This is with a 3.73 rear. I would get better at 70 mph but haven't really cruised at that speed much.

I would like to know what a auto with a 2.59 and a 3.08 would get.
1985 3.07 gears
Highway 23.9
town & highway 17.4
2.59 87 stock coupe

19 city 23 highway
On a 550 mile trip from Sturbridge, MA to Pittsburgh, PA I averaged 27 mpg there and 28mpg returning. Commuting to work in traffic on the highway 50 miles each way I was averaging 26.5 mpg. Speed was in pace with traffic.

I don't know what I may get in the city.
Auto 2:59 I'm averaging 16.7. While cruising on the highway, I've seen it at 32 mpg (when switched to instant), but I don't drive that fast for too long is a distance. I don't really drive on the highway much, all my driving is local suburban so I don't have to fill the tank up much.

Took a trip in my 86 from LA to Phoenix years ago, averaged 29 mpg w/2.59. Got 16-17 around town with foot in it. Haven't checked my 92. Didn't buy it for mileage.
'95, 3:08 auto, 20k Between 21 and 22.5 around town only. Dayton, OH to Bowling Green and then Nashville (interstate and around town cruising)... about 24.5 avg. Steady state interstate with 1 passenger and a crap-load of luggage....about 27-34.
My 86 with 3:07's gets 18 in town and 27-29 highway.
My 94 with 2:59's gets 18-19 in town and 28 at 75.
Both beat my Japanese car on the highway!
93 auto vert with 3.73 rear and get 17 in town (usually under 80mph) and 22.5 on the highway at 80 (while looking out for Johnnie Law)...

Ruby Red Roadster
3.73, Doug Rippie Chip & Air Suspension
Foil, K&N;)
I have cruised the Interstates days on end for 27-29mpg.average. Cruise set at 68MPH.
88 Auto 2.59 well tuned

Mods hypertech chip, Dyna Coil. other than that ....bone stock

132K miles

16.5 city 22-24 highway 350 ish miles per tank ( and the SECOND it hits reserve I fill up)

I usually put about 18.5 gallons in but the tank is SUPPOST TO BE a 21.

92 auto w/3.54 gears. 17-18 in town. 20mpg highway commute (this is mainly what i do). That is running about 2500rpm / 72-74mph on average. If you're running 80mph with those 3.73 gears that's where your gas mileage is going... I've noticed mine gets a fair bit more thirsty running 75-85mph. Around 72mph it seems pretty reasonable. I've done a round trip 300mi run driving easy and squeezed 23mpg for the trip. But that is babbying it...

The gear swap cost me about 1-2mpg on average. Then again you didn't swap the gears for better mileage :L


I think your right about that 80 mph mark. If I run at 70 the mileage really improves. I need to do a extended ride at 70 and see what I come up with. I bet it will be more like 19/20 mpg.

But then again your right 3.73's aren't meant for the the mileage
You should see a difference. I went with 3.54 instead of 3.73 because I'm on the highway so much. I calculated a cost of about 150rpm at 75mph for 3.73 over 3.54. There is some error in the gauges versus pluggin the numbers into a formula. The formula tells me 75mph@2430rpm. When my tach says 2500rpm the speedo says 72mph. So if you run right at 70mph for a distance you should be under 2500rpm. Sometimes just for fun I leave it in D and run the highway. Gets it solid into about 3500rpm. It's really snappy kicking the throttle, but I'm sure the gas mileage goes right down the toilet ...

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