Greetings, all,
I was getting ready to do a little intake mod on my '04 A4 coupe and thought, on GP, I would check the DIC for codes beforehand. All was clear with the exception of group 60 - IPC, which showed a B0516H code. When I looked it up in the Helm factory manual, it read, "vehicle speed over 200 mph for 1 second/PCM unable to process correct vehicle speed from VSS/intermittent or erratic VSS operation".
Say what?! I know I didn't drive that fast, and in 10 months and 5000 miles, I've only chirped the rear wheels once! Any ideas as to where this code might have come from? Is this a fairly common code? Is this some kind of BS code?
I just find that code's presence very interesting, hence the curiosity. Thanks in advance for any information you all might have.
I was getting ready to do a little intake mod on my '04 A4 coupe and thought, on GP, I would check the DIC for codes beforehand. All was clear with the exception of group 60 - IPC, which showed a B0516H code. When I looked it up in the Helm factory manual, it read, "vehicle speed over 200 mph for 1 second/PCM unable to process correct vehicle speed from VSS/intermittent or erratic VSS operation".
Say what?! I know I didn't drive that fast, and in 10 months and 5000 miles, I've only chirped the rear wheels once! Any ideas as to where this code might have come from? Is this a fairly common code? Is this some kind of BS code?
I just find that code's presence very interesting, hence the curiosity. Thanks in advance for any information you all might have.