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Barn find of an '88 with 1600 miles


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2003
Norwalk, Ohio
15 Z06, 01 Vert, 63 SWC & 60 ALL RED
Well, not exactly a barn find....I posted earlier here a description of this car and 3 others....here are the pictures of what I found with the C4....all I can say is WOW.....the car looks like it just came out of the showroom! It has 1600 miles and those were put on by the dealer. When the uncle bought the car he picked it up in the shipping container you see it in and unloaded the shipping container in the yard and the car has been there ever since '88. I saw no real signs of any mositure getting to the car, the other uncle told me that they had painted the containers white as that would have the lowest possiblility of attracking moisture on the inside....it sure looks like he knows what he was talking about, the inside of all the containers was fanatastic.

Here are the pictures.....according to Corvette Magazine.com price calculator this car at its highest rating would have a value of about $12,000-$14,500. What do you think it is worth?????

the shipping containers...wow the stuff they had around that yard....amazing collection of STUFF...this was a small portion of it....


inside one of the containers sat this car....'88 with 1600 miles on it....the only dirt I saw on this car was when I lifted the hood and there was some splashed up dirt above the wheels on the hood panel.......paint looked like it had just come out of the dealer show room....nice and glossy....my mouth fell open on this one

interior was absolutely pristine....no wear on the carpet...nothing....it was like it had been sitting there all this time waiting for someone to open the door...the rubber on the car seemed to be in real good shape...the weather stripping around the doors felt almost like new.....

mileage on the odometer.....WOW

the motor area was amazing.....there was some corrosion on some of the cast iron pieces, but beyond that....everything was pristine!

one more motor shot....wow....is beautiful.....

there was not much room to get under the car....but I stuck the camera under there to see what I could get....looked as nice as everything else...I am a C1,C2 C5 guy, so I have no real idea what I am looking at....perhaps one of you C4 guys can comment....the car is an automatic....perhaps part of the transmission?

so any comments? price suggestions?

let me know.....I will be posting over at C3 site the pictures of the '82 Collectors Edition that he had, it had 8,000 miles on it and it was the same as this one....bought around '83 and put in the container and never driven....probably get those pictures up either on Thursday or this weekend...

regards, Herb
Wow! What an incredible find!

You can do a big service to the Vette community by talking to the people at the National Corvette Restorer's Society, who always want to know part numbers and descriptions of original parts. They were looking for C4 data maybe a year ago to compile lists for judging of originality. You might want to contact someone at http://www.ncrs.org/ and see if they still need anything.
unreal! Buy the cars and put em out in the yard. I can't believe they are in such great shape after being sealing in those shipping pups!!!!!

Thanks for posting
hell call the corvette museum, maybe they will want them!! pro team corvette sells cars like this alot but the family should get the money from them, not pro team!!! that car is worth ALOT more then the book says, thats one of a kind now!!!!!!!!!!!!! tell the family to take there time and check out ALL options first.
nyernga said:
I want my car back please..........;LOL

see avatar :)

I wish it had been a 4+3 rather than an automatic....all the vettes that he had there were auto's.....
do those metal bins keep the temp the same all the time? i se your in Ohio so you see cold and hot, but it didn't effect that sweet vette any! call the CM they my need a like new C4 to put in the show room!!
Went for a cruise last weekend up to the tip of the thumb in michigan and as I was sitting in a little mom and pop pizza place on main street Port Austin, when I looked out the front window and noticed sitting with weeds up to the door handles accross the street was a decent looking late 70s early 80s medium blue Corvette. Just dont know when or where you will find a lost puppy. Thats just wrong.
Does that exhaust look shiny? Wasn't the original painted black? I *think* the thing you are asking to identify is the bottom of the little cubby/storage wells in the trunk.
Amazing! Belongs in a museum, or my driveway if I could afford it, which right now I can't. Has it been started yet?
It would make a nice Xmas present for my wife ,she likes blue ,automatics and c-4's.I'll fax you a check--nice find!!
WOW.....sweet find there. So, how far away is Fremont OH, from Pittsburgh? Ah, nevermind, the wife would kill me. :cry
Ohio, shoot you are just next door. I would love to have another vette. That looks great. Please tell the family if they need to sell them to take their time. If they dont, heck I wouldn't get rid of them.
Looks like a time capsule there. That sure is a bluuuuuuuuue interior, wow.
slapshot said:
Looks like a time capsule there. That sure is a bluuuuuuuuue interior, wow.
agreed...it almost hurts the eyes.....
vett boy said:
It would make a nice Xmas present for my wife ,she likes blue ,automatics and c-4's.I'll fax you a check--nice find!!

If you think she may like a near pristine Silver 84 automatic with 32k on her, adult owned (second owner), always garaged and never used in the weather lets talk. I'm in the next town over (Bowdoinham) but stationed in PA so I hardly get to use her. I'll be back this spring for good but with NAS shutting down and me losing a good job soon, I may have to shed some debt and I'm still paying on her. Happy Holidays. Maybe we can go for a ride this summer if I get to keep her. Mike

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