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Best 4+3 Conversion

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Could I have the Pro's & Con's of the 3 ea. 4+3 Trans. Conversions for 84' to 88's.
Tremec, Richmond, ZF.

yea! Good idea!

yes, this would be a good thread for sure. I am almost decided on the tremec swap, the 4 +3 is killing me..... but a nice thread with info, perhaps pros and cons and even people that have done the swap would be most helpful!
rrubel said:
Add another - Keisler makes a 5 or 6-speed transmission kit specifically as a 4+3 replacement.
Keisler kits use Tremec transmissions... looking into those specifically (dumping my 4+3 too).
Just curious, what is the problem(s) with the 4+3?
I have the same question as markone.

My 4+3 works great. The most common problem with it is the electrics including the switch at the bottom of the shifter handle and the solenoid inside the pan. Both of these are VERY easily replaced. Also it is not uncommon for the connector to come loose at the transmission.

It has always appeared to me that this transmission has gotten a bad rep due to ignorance. I have never talked to anyone who understood how simple it was to repair a non working overdrive.

Now, that said, if it is mechanically, internally trashed for some reason, then that is another story.

Good luck,
markone said:
Just curious, what is the problem(s) with the 4+3?

No real problems, save for the overdrive units. All you have to do is keep them serviced and you'll be fine.

I'm getting rid of my 4+3 in favor of a 5-speed strictly for performance. ZF's are alright, but horribly expensive to repair, plus the Tremec is rated for more HP/torque depending on model chosen. Plus, the issue of parts availability comes into play.

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