ptorlax18 I'm seldom on this forum just happened to come here and saw your post. KIWI VETTE gave you some good advice in your last post. Buy the Corky Bell book and read it. I'm going to be blunt Anyone who knows so little about his car that he don't know the difference between a Dana 36 and a 44 has no business trying to install a supercharger on his car because it is a recipe for disaster. Their is so much that you need to learn before you attempt Forced Induction that I could wear my keyboard out and we would only have scratched the surface for what you need to know.
Start buying books and reading at 19 you have lots of time learn or do what I suspect you will do anyway put it on and learn the hard way. If you look around you can find used blowers real cheap because many like you thought they had to have a blower after they have made junk out of their car and don't have the money to fix it they sell the blower.
Asking for advice on the internet about forced Induction is not what you should be doing. Far too much bad advice given on this subject. Buy all the good books that you can find and read them. If you don't learn before you try this I sure hope you have a lot of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ your going to need them. SORRY but that is the cold hard facts.