I changed the fuel pump out the other day after checking to see where it was that I was loosing pressure{injectors,press regulator,pump,etc} Well,before I changed the pump I looked in Chilton's to see how about doing so.I know in my Hayne's manual it only shows pics of the fuel pump as attatched to the whole sending system.Well,according to Chilton's,1989 and below,you should remove the whole rear end {everything} and drop the gas tank.Needless to say I freaked out!!!I went ahead and took of the fuel door and took out the sending system and there it was!!The fuel pump!A whopping 10 min. of work to get it out and another 10 to go back in!!I have also noticed alot of other things in the Chilton's book that was wrong too and I really don't know anything about working on cars.