I totally forgot----If your bolt patern is somewhat different, then the next step would be to put the hub in a lathe and scribe a circle around it with a sharp tool to make a guide for the new wheel pattern. Make the circle exactly the same as the diameter of the bolt circle you want to use. Then remove the hub from the lathe and make a sharp punch mark on the line where you want the first lug to go. usually half way between one of the older pattern. Take a set of regular dividers ( COMPASS) and work around the circle,marking the position of each stud to follow. If you have the dividers set properly, the last mark of the pointer will cross the punch mark you first made. If not, make the necessary adjustments and do it over until it comes out right. As a double check,start in the punch mark again and go around in the opposite direction. It is imperative that the studs fit the hub exactly in order to avoid wheel mounting problems later. Now, very carefully,use a sharp centerpunch and make a mark in the center of each marked bolt location. Drill a small hole ( about 3/16-inch) at each mark and make sure the holes are perpendicular to the surface so the lug studs aren't crooked after installation.Regular studs are preferable and should be pressed in with a hydraulec press at the machine shop.
remember to use the right size stud for the wheels you will be running.At this stage, you can drill out the 3/16 inch holes again to the proper size for your new studs , in the case of chevy's 7/16 and fords 1/2 inch. MOOSEMAN