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Brand Spankin' New 2004 Coupe

Dec 13, 2003
'04 Coupe/ Spiral Gray
Last minute mind change. Have found better insurance deal. I am keeping the car. :s
Reason for parting with the Beauty

caninelver said:
Why are you selling? Its beautiful.
Denny- I'm selling it because I was in a accident in March 2002 and I was just notified last week I am to be put on the "Assigned Risk" and I can't afford the dumb insurance prices. Now get this.... I am not allowed to drive as long as I am disabled like I am. I don't want to part with the "BEAUTY" but ya cant reason with the law.:confused :mad :cry
As good ole boy Billy Bob says-Ah feel your pain. The law is controlled by the Insurence lobby & every other lobby. I bought my vette on E-Bay last yr. I wanted to insure it so I could drive it home from Fla. I have 2 other cars with the same company. They said they would have to see it first. After I threatened to change Ins.they changed their mind. Good luck.
Love the Spiral color, wish they had that in the Z choices, would have bought instead of MY. Good luck on selling, nice car

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