Yeah, I hope it's fixed but anything (particularly electrical) that comes and goes like that and that I didn't really DO anything to "fix" it will likely return at some poiint.
The inspections here in DE aren't really too bad, although they did double the fees from US$ 20/year to US$ 40/year. If you time it right and don't go at the middle or end of the month when they all come due you can actually get in and out of there pretty quickly. And it gives me a reason to go over the basic safety items on the car. The only thing they really check here is lights, wipers, brakes (not parking brake), and emissions. If I wasn't going over these things I would have never known I had a problem with the brake lights. So I guess it's a good thing.
It's raining here today so I'm going to run it over to Motor Vehicle tomorrow; I'll let you know how I make out.
I'm still going to order a stop light switch; I have some other things I need for the '71 as well so you'll probably be hearing from me again when I get into that whole electrical mess (radio, speakers, fan switch, heat/ac controller, and fiber optics)
Thanks again for everyone's help,
Bernie O.