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C-1 Turn Signal Cancelling


Well-known member
Dec 24, 2003
Conway, SC
'59 Blk/Red, '12 Crystal Red GS
I know this issue has been discussed here several times, but I'm still having trouble with mine. Her is where I am:

Always had trouble with the turn signal lever not returning to center and, of course, you get the one or the other tail light/ brake light not funtioning properly. Fooled with it over the years and could occassionally get it to wrk right but eventually always went back to the same old problem.

I finally broke down and ordered a new Cancelling Cam form Corvetter Central and installed it. Hasn't worked right since. Now, when the lever is pushed down (for left turn) it will not engage. In other words I have to hold it down to make the t/s work. But, when the lever is pushed up to engage the right turn it engages fine, but won't return to center unless I push it back down to center.

This is getting a little dangerous as people either don't know I'm turning (left) or think I am turning (right) and pull out in front of me.

I"ve had the new cam out and back in several times, greased it up with white lithium grease every where I can think of and nothing seems to help.

Anybody have any ideas ? Could I have gotten a bad cam ? At this point I'm ready to put the old cam back in and live with the t ail light problem.

Any help would be appreciated,

Bernie O.
It's been a while but I did that whole thing with my 62 a few years back. As I remember, there is a centerline somewhere on there that must be lined up right. A physical line (on the shaft maybe?) that had to be in the center when everything was put back on. Man, I wished this question was asked two or three years ago. I was an expert on this procedure back then! I really wish I could be some help here.
C-1 Turn SIgnal


Thanks for tyring: I'll look to see if there is a C/L mark on the shaft.

If you think of anything else let me know,


Bernie O.

Thanks for the info; I think I've seen this before but will go over it again when I get home today and take everything apart again.

I wonder: Can the leaf spring itself wear out to the point where it doesn't have any "spring" left in it anymore ??

I'll let you know what I find out.

Thanks again,

Bernie O.

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