I’m trying to determine the correct 1100696 alternator date code for my 67 (w/T.I.) that was built on March 16,1967. The survey results of Noland Adams "Corvette Restoration & Tech. Guide Volume 2" doesn’t make much sense. Early cars (Dec. build date) have alternators that are dated roughly 70 days prior to the vehicle build date. Then in February it jumps out to 247 days, April is 148 days, May goes down to 15 days, June is 35 days and back out 80 days for July.
30 to 70 days seems long as compared to other components on the car but is somewhat consistent. I guess availability could account for that. What I don’t get is what happened between February ~ April. I don't know if I should be looking for a August 1966 alternator or February 1967?
30 to 70 days seems long as compared to other components on the car but is somewhat consistent. I guess availability could account for that. What I don’t get is what happened between February ~ April. I don't know if I should be looking for a August 1966 alternator or February 1967?