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c2 tunnel insulation


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2004
new york
1964 silver blue coupe
can anyone direct me as to what type of adhesive to use when installing the tunnel insulation?
Not that way,

Adhesive is not used, and would most probably never hold the insulation in place. It is held by four small metal retaining clips, that are riveted to the tunnel, and each have two little bendable pointy tabs, on each end, that pierce the insulation, and bend back over to hold it snugly in place.

I would not expect any type of adhesive to ever hold up, to the hostile environment under the tunnel. :nono

tunnel insulation

thanks for replying; i see the tabs on the tunnel, but on the AIM sheet they also show cement.

I replaced mine last year and it did look like the old one was glued as pieces were stuck to the tunnel. I installed the new one using just the four tabs and haven't had any problems.
Good evening John :o)

JohnZ said:
Adhesive was used in addition to the pierce tabs - it was yellow weatherstrip adhesive.

I stand corrected.

I have not had the occasion to remove any that were held with anything other then the tabs but hey ! I'm glad to have learned something new today :D

The Tunnel insulation is is about 8 inches short from reaching where the motor
and trans meet!! what goes in that place?? any idea? by the way mine is a 69 vete

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