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C6 convertible start of production?



Does anyone have a REAL start of production date for the convertibles? My dealer knows "4th quarter sometime" and nothing else. Thanks on the frontside to whoever knows the answer.
(sound of wind gently blowing... very quiet indeed...)
Docrings said:
(sound of wind gently blowing... very quiet indeed...)
Thanks, I think. I'm not sure if I got the message, isn't Michael Hedges dead? I'll take that "very quiet indeed" means no date on SOP of convertibles. Yesterday's stop of production due to 6 speed problems surely doesn't help.
I can't be of any help ,our dealers up here just received a C6 or 2 and still don't know what the options are...;LOL ....CorvetteConti is the best source for info.
As soon as possible . . .

From what I hear they are shooting for the end of this month or the first of next month for dealer shipments.
invinceablevett said:
I can't be of any help ,our dealers up here just received a C6 or 2 and still don't know what the options are...;LOL ....CorvetteConti is the best source for info.
Seems to be the question of the day.....
Going to be a while yet guys...hang in there. I predict very limited supply of Verts this year.....probably won't see orders being pulled form dealers' allocation for another few weeks at least!
then you have the constraints to deal with....:eyerole
If you have questions on the options...ask me, I know!;)

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