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C6 Corvette Z06 Wrecked Into Swamp


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Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
That's a sin and a shame. :puke

It'll be on Ebay next week. ;squint:


Id still buy it!... and treat it right! Seriously....sell it to me haha.

BTW what the heck was that tow truck driver doing?....who puts a corvette on a hook? Especially that high! The front lip looked like it was seriously eating the pavement. If he was going to pull it out with a hook he should have kept it more level. Just my opinion.
My guess is he thought it's totaled anyway what's another scratch or two?
c6 on a wheel lift

Im a tow truck operator. Looks like dude didnt want to get wet so he used Jumbo J hooks on rear axles.(bad idea) Then he is mad cuz he got some water in his boot so he DRAGS car around on Wheel Lift wrecker! OMG (we would extract vehicle with small j hooks attached to FRAME then load onto FLATBED for transport) Then hit owner with $400 tow bill but hey, car had been abused enough for one night already right?:confused

Hey when he sells her on ebay lets call the new owner and ask about the funny smell.
CCR can deal with nam era helicopters. But Gators? Damn. Wrecked on the BAYOU on the way to see my Cousin. She has cold beer dammit!
Owning and driving a Z06, is the same as deciding to have kids.....in both cases the parties involved should be tested and qualified to do either one.:bash
corvette better than female

Owning and driving a Z06, is the same as deciding to have kids.....in both cases the parties involved should be tested and qualified to do either one.:bash

Iknow, right. thing is i have a bad belt tensioner.drove 60 miles to pay 2 much for part cuz cant wait 5 days. Vette wont remember 3 years later like a woman would.(fix it stays fixed) vette wont have 3 little vettes that cost money. LOL
Not the Vette's fault...

It wasn't the Vette's fault, if the guy was mad about getting water in his boots he should've dragged the driver around w/the large hooks. ;)

A real shame. :confused
Couple of trips thru the car wash w/ the doors, hood, and hatch open and it'll be as good as new. ;LOL;LOL;LOL

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