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C6 Poll


Site Administrator
Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
We've put up the new C6 Poll on the home page. Cast your vote and let your voice be heard!

-Rob, Site Admin.
Thanks to Bob Cash, we have posted a few pictures (artist renderings) of the C6 Corvette which appeared in Motor Trend. You can view the page, by following the link from the top "What's New" item on the home page.

-Rob, Site Administrator
C6 looks

Hello everyone, here's my opinion. It is only an opinion.
When I hear the word Corvette, it conjures images of The American Dream of sports cars, envied by car owners everywhere. In particular, each generation is distinctive while remaining totally Corvette.
I personally prefer the C3 (Mock-5 :)) in addition to the early years which defined the breed. I appreciate the great strides in performance, but I feel the body styles have been progressing from looking like door-stops to looking like every other new car on the road. I cannot recognize a newer 'Vette until I see its emblem. I strongly feel that Corvette needs to return to leading the pack in innovative design.

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