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Campbell, NY man charged in connection with stolen 1981 Corvette


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Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
Campbell, NY man charged in connection with stolen 1981 Corvette

ADDISON — A 32-year-old Campbell man has been arrested in connection with a stolen 1981 Corvette.

Darrell J. Hoad II, of Wolf Run Road, was charged with third-degree grand larceny and released from custody on his own recognizance.

According to the Steuben County Sheriff’s Office, the owner of the vehicle gave it to Hoad so Hoad could perform work on it. Hoad reported the vehicle missing May 21.

Investigators determined Hoad sold and traded automotive parts from the vehicle. The charges against Hoad stem from him having possession of the vehicle at the time of its disappearance, deputies said.

The investigation into the incident is ongoing. Anyone with information is asked to contact the sheriff’s office at 622-3911. Anonymous tips can be left at www.steubencounty.org/Sheriff.

Reference: Campbell man charged in connection with stolen Corvette - Corning, NY - The Corning Leader

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