I finally got my carbs back from Robbie Kunz late last week - I was out of town until Thurs night, so just got to take a look at them. I have to admit they really look good - I hope they run as well as they look. A couple of things still concern me though: (1) He called me a week or two ago and wanted to know my VIN # and build date. I assumed he was going to stamp the brass tags on the carbs with that info. The tags came back and are still blank. ??? (2) There's no receipt for the payment and no detail of the work done at all, nothing ! I find that a little strange; if there's a problem I have no record of the work done except for a copy of my cancelled check. I'm gong to call him on Monday and request a receipt and an explanation about the tags.
I hope to get them back on the car this weekend and fire it up, but I'm still not thrilled or know exactly how I'm going to drain the gas tank to get some fresh gas in there. Hope I don't burn the house down.
I'll let you know what happens.
Bernie O
Glad to hear you at least got them back. Just like the guy I used, their all very busy and don't have time for customer service. As for your gas tank, siphon as much as you can then remove the bolt on the bottom of the tank. If it's like mine, the bolt is on the passenger side. Good luck.