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Chevrolet Corvette: AEI's Best Engineered Vehicle for 2005!


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Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
Recently, the 2005 Chevrolet Corvette was awarded the "Best Engineered Vehicle for 2005" award by Automotive Engineering International, published by the Society for Automotive Engineers. The sixth-generation car delivers even more performance value than its predecessor, and adds greater comfort and convenience into the mix.

The SAE presented Corvette Chief Engineer and Vehicle Line Executive, Dave Hill with the award last Saturday in Detroit.

The Corvette Action Center would like to congratulate Dave Hill and the entire Corvette Engineering team for a job well done!!!
Here, Here! Congratualtions Mr Hill and your entire staff. Keep up the great work, it's appreciated by all the fans. :lou
Congratulations! But, I would have been more surprised if you had not won the award. Anyone looking at a C6 has to be impressed. Whether they are knowledgeable about cars or not. :upthumbs

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