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News: Chrysler Plans Summer Shutdown


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Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
Although not Corvette or GM related, I think this is important enough to post here as it is indicative of the current state of affairs in the American automotive industry:


Mar 13, 1:06 PM EDT

Chrysler plans summer shutdown

AP Auto Writer

DETROIT (AP) -- Chrysler LLC is telling employees worldwide to take a mandatory two-week vacation in July.

Chrysler informed employees of the plan in an e-mail sent to employees that was obtained by The Associated Press. Chrysler spokeswoman Mary Beth Heilprin confirms the e-mail was sent.

Chrysler plans a corporate-wide shutdown the weeks of July 7 and July 14. Heilprin says some employees may be asked to stay on to work on special projects.

It's common for automakers to shut down plants in July, but this also would affect salaried workers.

Chrysler says the shutdown should help it boost productivity and efficiency. Heilprin didn't have any details about why the decision was made.

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