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Contact information for Alley Cat in Panama City, Fl???


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Feb 24, 2003
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Cant figure out which forum is most appropriate, so tryin' it here.

Lookin' for any kind of contact info for Alley Cat/David Dougherty who sells some used Corvette parts.

(sorry if this is in the wrong forum)
I can't find either name in the membership list. Is he a member here?

Tom, thanks for the response. I don't know if he's a member, but has had Corvette parts at various swap meets in SouthEast for probably 20 years or more, and usually has a pretty large footprint in a prime location on the swap fields, especially at Moultrie. I think I've seen him at Daytona and Kissimee also. I was in Panama City last week (his location) when I did this post and wanted to look him up and go through his used parts inventory. Kinda' hard to imagine somebody who's in the business being virtually invisible through conventional search methods.
A lot of the swap meet guys are like that.


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