The car is running fine.....all 310+ rear wheel ponies are running strong. I tested the car this morning, from a cold start. It took 10 minutes to warm up from 45 deg to 180 deg. It kept going until 194, and held there for another 10 minutes, so I took it for a drive. 2 miles down the road, at a medium pace, and it never got above 200. I turned around, and ran it hard on the way back. It got up to 205, I let off it, and it cooled back into the 190s, I got on it again, this time it went to 215, and rapidly went to 235 (about the time I was pulling in the driveway) and then crept up to 240 when I shut it off. I popped the hood, and the overflow tank (that was sitting dead-on the "cold" mark that morning) was bubbling over with coolant and making a big green puddle under my car. This is the oddest cooling problem I've ever had with a car.
I felt the upper radiator hose after the car was warmed up. It was warm, and when I squeezed it, I could feel coolant flowing through. I felt the lower radiator hose, it was cold.