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Corvette 50TH Anniversary coin

I orderes two of these 50th corvette anniversary coins in the collector tins and received them yesterday. these will make a nice edition to my collection.the tin and the coin are numbered and are great quality.

Pretty sharp looking. Where'd you get it and how much?

Thanks........... Bob
They are 49.00 and you can order them off the internet. the collector tin it comes in is real cool and something i had to have.

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I picked mine up through my Corvette Club for $25! Very nice coin in a tin display case. There is a place to put your Vette Club's code number in for discount.
VETTE CLUB.... we don't need no stinkin vette club. i belonged to these clubs before and payed monthly dues and got zilch out of it and felt like i was a employee not a member. good to hear you got a deal and a coin.

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