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Site Update: Corvette Action Center Gets a Face Lift!


Site Administrator
Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
I'm pleased to announce that CorvetteActionCenter.com now has a new homepage!

The previous homepage was old, outdated, and not mobile-friendly. With the introduction of different sized laptops, tablets and smart phones, the Corvette Action Center home page was not designed to respond well to all of the different viewing resolutions out there now.

This new design, incorporates a Responsive Design - meaning it will automatically respond in size and resolution depending on the hardware you're viewing it on. Eventually, the entire site will be redesigned with a Responsive Design, following the homepage.

This new design also incorporated a couple additions, including a better news layout, Corvette news categories and now a Corvette News Briefs page which will be updated throughout the day as Corvette news becomes available to us. So stop on over and check out the home page!

Corvette Action Center | Corvette Forum | Blog | Specs | Tech | Pics | Production | 2015 Corvette
I for one will go on record as not liking it. Probably be the only one though......
Ok...can you explain what about you don't like??

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
Rob, it would be nice if there was a choice somewhere that we could pick whether we wanted
to do the responsive design, or go to the regular, "desktop" webpage. I, personally, like to see
exactly the same thing on my phone, ipad, or desktop/laptop, and do not mind having to expand
the page to see it.
Andy :w
Ok...can you explain what about you don't like??

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk

Basically because it requires the user to scroll through more pages than the old site to get where you want to be. I understand why it is like that, it's just not my preference.
I like the change. :thumb Sure the old page was easy to navigate once you got used to it but this will become as easy once you get used to the change. It's a good improvement IMO.
The time since the last post is now there. There's nothing missing on the new homepage that was on the old one. It's all the same information....and the latest forum posts are in the same position as they were on the previous homepage. The only thing that isn't there is the original thread poster's name and the name of the forum the thread is in.
Also - just an fyi - when I released the old homepage several years ago - a lot of people complained about the layout and that they had to scroll left to right. You no longer have to do that with this home page.

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