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Corvette Action Center Member Graduates From US Naval Academy


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Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
On Friday, May 23, 2003 a member of the Corvette Action Center Community stepped out of the rank of college students and into the rank of Ensign, United States Navy.

Anthony Cunneen (stingray74CC) graduated on Friday, May 23 from the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD.

I have had the pleasure of knowing Anthony for a couple years now. I can say from the heart that the defense of our great nation will be in excellent hands with the addition of this fine young man into the Officer Corps of the US Navy. He is an extremely bright and personable young man and has a passion for Corvette’s. His ’69 – 427/435 customized coupe is an awesome machine and is also in good hands. Anthony hails from the Houston, Texas area and 4 years on the Peoples Republic of MD hasn’t put a dent in that southern Texas drawl. He will be shipping off to the Charleston, South Carolina area for training in Nuclear Propulsion arena.

I would like to congratulate Anthony on his achievement and salute his future service to our country.

-Bob Williams ("Nut")

From everyone here at the Corvette Action Center: Congratulations Anthony!!!
Congratulations Anthony!!! :J [size=-5](We need a smilie throwing its cap in the air!)[/size]
Congradulations...Tony...Nuclear Propulsion???...Watch this kids next mod...Admiral Rickover had the first Nuclear ship...could a Nuclear powered Corvette be next? :eek

Congrats, Anthony! Maybe now Anthony can work that Flux Capacitor into the Vette :D.

Congratulations Anthony. Haven't talked to you in awhile. I wish you the best in your Naval career. Looks like Blaine is going a different route due to some fortunate scholorships but I appreciate you talking to him about Annaplolis.

Keep in touch,
Congratulations Ensign Cunneen!! Welcome to the ranks of Naval Officers. Hope you chose Submarines, cause that's where the action is!!. CWO4 Paul (SUBFIXER) Reynolds, Groton, CT.

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