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Corvette Action Center Welcomes Vette Brakes and Products as a Sponsor


Site Administrator
Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1

The Corvette Action Center would like to welcome Vette Brakes and Products as our latest Site Sponsor.

Since 1977 we at VBP have enjoyed sharing our enthusiasm and keen knowledge of our performance enhancement products. We take pride in caring for our customers and make sure that they are 100% satisfied with the performance of products purchased. We currently manufacture the VBP patented O-ring Design Calipers and a host of other performance and OEM brake products. Corvette suspension parts, composite fiberglass springs, shocks, anti-sway bars, chassis products and many other top quality improvement and replacement products for C-2 thru C-5.
You can be confident when you use our products because they have been subjected to Xtreme testing by some of the best racing organizations in the world. This testing has proven that the reliability of our systems and components are second to none. Customers tell us that our products are the very best they can buy for their street and high performance cars. Our excellent customer service and technical support teams have developed a trusting relationship with our customers and their needs. Remember to buy factory direct and $ave!!!
Look familiar?

Thanks VB&P for supporting :CAC
Yesterday, I just finished putting on my entirely new VBP brake kit. New SS/braided lines, 4 piston O-ring sleeved calipers, master brake cylinder, fluid and pads. A complete and bolt in kit that has went in flawlessly! Everything you've heard good about these guys is true.

Now, to send back all my cores and git some money back!

Next spring I intend to buy their Rack & Pinion steering kit to replace the OEM recirculating ball setup. (BLAH!)<RUBBING together! hands>

Glad to have VBP as a CAC sponsor!

...On a side note to some that might find this amusing, since I now have brakes (as opposed to NOT having any at CruiseFest), I went ahead and added in a linelock just because it was so much fun at CruiseFest to not have any brakes in the rear. I just have to remember that not every parking lot is going to the Aurburn Inn ;LOL

PS - NOTE TO VBP...have you considered adding in the Proportioning Valve to your kits? Mine was bad and had to be replaced. If yer doing everything else, might as well include that in the kit too!

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